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Moving Stillness

'Moving stillness' plays on the contradiction of terms, where the energy is captured in movement and, somehow, suspended in still images to preserve the emotions, as stored in the memory.

At the same time, the ephemeral that I tried to capture in a still image, is in turn moved by the wind, completing the cycle, returning to its origins, awakening those same emotions that thus become timeless and infinite.

For this reason I chose a site specific installation, where the presence of natural elements is required.

In the video, an extract of the final result.

Performance 'I am waves, I am wind'

This piece was born after a series of performative experiences on the cliffs near me.

My research tried to capture the emotions felt in that moment, in that place, continuing a discourse of 'being there', which is purely phenomenological.

In order to fully understand what I was perceiving, I abandoned myself, lowering all guards, simply following what the wind and the sea, with its waves, suggested to me. I focused on that energy trying to translate it through physical movements.

The result is a series of still images that I will then use in the final piece of the project.

© 2022 by Guendalina Rota.

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